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quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2018

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson
Nome - Eric Johann Johnson
Instagram - @ericjohnson
Nascimento - 07/08/1979
Cidade Natal - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Profissão - Ator, Diretor, Dublador, Escritor


♂ How to Fail as a Popstar (2023)
♂ A Milhões de Quilômetros - Clint Logan (2023)
♂ Come Out Fighting - Corporal Ryan Barnes (2022)
♂ Rehab - Brad Smith (2022)
♂ Pretty Little Liars: Um Novo Pecado - Sheriff Beasley (2022)
♂ Deuses Americanos - Chad Mulligan (2021)
♂ Vikings - Erik (2020)
♂ Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Ivarr the Boneless (narração)(Videogame)(2020)
♂ Condor - Tracy Crane (2020)
♂ Pimpin Ain't Easy - Teddy Long (2020)
♂ Clifton Hill - Charlie Lake (2019)
♂ Hudson and Rex - Darryl Perth (2019)
♂ Um Pequeno Favor - Davis (2018)
♂ Caught - Brian Hearn (2018)
♂ The Alienist - Captain Miller (2018)
♂ Cinquenta Tons de Liberdade - Jack Hyde (2018)
♂ The Detectives - Detective Harold Curwain (2018)
♂ Caught - Brian Hearn (2018)
♂ The Girlfriend Experience - Peter Koscielny (2017)
♂ Smallville: As Aventuras do Superboy - Whitney Fordman / Tina Greer (2001-2017)
♂ Orphan Black - Chad Norris (2013-2017)
♂ Cinquenta Tons Mais Escuros - Jack Hyde (2017)
♂ Valentine Ever After - Ben Thomas (2016)
♂ Junior - Rick (2016)
♂ The Knick - Dr. Everett Gallinger (2014-2015)
♂ Flash Gordon Classic - Flash Gordon (voice) (2015)
♂ Interview with a Time Traveler - Time Traveler (2014)
♂ Saving Hope - Dr. Jason Kalfis (2014)
♂ Fir Crazy - Darren Foster (2013)
♂ Detention - Mr. Elliot (2013)
♂ Rookie Blue - Detective Luke Callaghan (2010-2013)
♂ Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Video Game) - Sam Fisher (voice) (2013)
♂ Mentes Criminosas - Sean Hotchner (2006-2013)
♂ Alcatraz - Cal Sweeney (2012)
♂ Deck the Halls - Jack Riley (2011)
♂ Uma Babá Milagrosa em Nova York - Jake (2010)
♂ Sobrenatural - Brady (2010)
♂ Tempestade de Meteoros - Kyle Kemper (2010)
♂ A Nanny's Secret - Drew (2009)
♂ Flash Gordon - Steven 'Flash' Gordon (2007-2008)
♂ The Unit - Ethan McNeal (2007)
♂ Ghost Whisperer - Gordon Pike (2007)
♂ Everest: Um Desafio à Vida - Laurie Skreslet (2007)
♂ O Preço da Honra - Joshua Steed (2006)
♂ O Vidente - Young Gene Purdy / Raymond Franklin (2006)
♂ Honeymoon with Mom - Adam (2006)
♂ Expiration Date - Animal Control Officer #2 (2006)
♂ The Work and the Glory II: American Zion - Joshua Steed (2005)
♂ Marker - Roddy Dutch (2005)
♂ A Friend of the Family - Darris Shaw (2005)
♂ Falcon Beach - Lane Bradshaw (2005)
♂ Tempo de Glória - Joshua Steed (2004)
♂ Criatura Anônima - Rhys (2004)
♂ A Clown's Gift - Sam the Clown (2004)
♂ Blinded - John (2004)
♂ The Collector - Nick (2004)
♂ Possuídas 2: Força Incontrolável - Tyler (2004)
♂ Poderosas de Hollywood - Brian Richter (2003)
♂ O Rapto de Sinatra - Dean Torrence (2003)
♂ Beauty Shot - Chad Johnson (2002)
♂ Bang, Bang! Você Morreu! - Mark Kenworth (2002)
♂ MythQuest - Telemachus (2001)
♂ Texas Rangers: Acima da Lei - Rollins (2001)
♂ Borderline Normal - Rocco (2001)
♂ Children of Fortune - Andrew Bast (2000)
♂ Mente de um Assassino - Darren Huenemann (2000)
♂ O Resgate de Emily - Scott Robinson (2000)
♂ O Trem Atômico - Danny (1999)
♂ Question of Privilege - Joel Aldridge (1999)
♂ O Homem Elétrico - Alex (1999)
♂ Student Bodies (1999)
♂ Querida, Encolhi as Crianças - Ray (1998)
♂ Heart of the Sun - Jack (1998)
♂ Mentors (1998)
♂ Oklahoma City: A Survivor's Story - Jason (1998)
♂ Lendas da Paixão - Teen Tristan (1994)
♂ Road to Saddle River - Lance (1994)
♂ The Ray Bradbury Theater (1992)

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